are you looking for answers around your fertility?

Meet Angela Heap – Fertility Nutritionist

Angela Heap is an experienced Fertility Nutritionist with over 17 years of clinical experience, and a member of the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners. Using an evidence based approach Angela leads a team of experts in fertility, pregnancy, IVF and fertility coaching.

If you’ve been trying for over a year without success, it’s time to get some help. We empower you towards optimal fertility, so in time you will know what to do to make informed choices about your health for you and your family from hormonal health to pregnancy and beyond.

Whether you are going down a natural route or IVF assisted route, we will support you with a plan that fits your circumstances and needs.

Fertility Nutrition


are you looking for answers around your fertility?

Meet Angela Heap – Fertility Nutritionist

Angela Heap is an experienced Fertility Nutritionist with over 17 years of clinical experience, and a member of the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners. Using an evidence based approach Angela leads a team of experts in fertility, pregnancy, IVF and fertility coaching.

If you’ve been trying for over a year without success, it’s time to get some help. We empower you towards optimal fertility, so in time you will know what to do to make informed choices about your health for you and your family from hormonal health to pregnancy and beyond.

Whether you are going down a natural route or IVF assisted route, we will support you with a plan that fits your circumstances and needs.

Fertility Nutrition

how we support you…

We help you to develop a deeper understanding of your relationship with food. Through a programme and system of consultations and coaching we empower you with the ability to discover a whole new you through lifestyle and a specific diet for you.

Bespoke Health Analysis

The process all starts with getting to know you, your health and where you are on your fertility journey to develop a deeper understanding of you and your relationship with the environment.


Meal & Supplement Plan

We provide a tailored therapeutic and restorative nutrition program focused solely on your individual fertility and will work with you to ensure any nutritional deficiencies are corrected.

Understanding Test Results

We’ll guide you through test results you may have had in the past that have left you feeling confused about your fertility status. Further tests may be recommended to better understand your fertility health.

Emotional Support

Having supported hundreds of couples through the emotional and at times confusing and terrifying fertility process, we are here to offer not just practical but also emotional support through your journey.

how we can help…

Helping you to develop a deeper understanding about your relationship with food. Through a programme and system of consultations and coaching we empower you with the ability to discover a whole new you through food and nutrients. This process includes:


Bespoke Health Analysis

The process all starts with getting to know you, your health and where you are on your fertility journey to develop a deeper understanding of your relationship with food. 


Understanding Test Results

We will guide you through test results you may have had in the past that have left you feeling confused about your fertility status. Further tests may also be recommended to better understand your fertility health and to delve deeper into..

Meal & Supplement Plan

We provide a tailored therapeutic and restorative nutrition program focused solely on your individual fertility and will work with you to ensure any nutritional deficiencies are corrected

Emotional Support

Having supported hundreds of couples through the emotional and at times confusing and terrifying fertility process, we are here to offer not just practical but also emotional support through your journey.

areas we support

Whatever stage on your journey you are at, we are here to provide everything you need to be fertility fighting fit and maintain a healthy pregnancy.

supporting natural conception

We’ll work together on a programme that will get your body and hormones fitting fit and in the best possible place to conceive and carry a healthy baby.

supporting assisted conception (IVF)

Our focus will be to work towards getting your body ready for treatment and the best place to conceive and carry a healthy baby.

supporting pregnancy & nursing

Our programme will include a meal and supplement plan to make sure you and your baby are getting everything you need for a healthy pregnancy and to support your body and baby through nursing.

''I cannot recommend Angela enough''

From conception to birth and beyond she has been amazing''with all of her tips and advice.
I really feel looked after and I know that with Angela's help I have given my child the best start in life possible.

Stirling is now 2 months old and he is such a calm chilled out baby, his skin is beautiful and he’s developing brilliantly.
Thank you Angela for being such a significant and positive part of our lives.

''A true expert in Nutrition & Fertility''

I am absolutely certain that Angela was an integral part in getting my body in sync
and my mind focussed so that I was ready and more than able to conceive my Son.

''An angel that arrived in our lives''

We were staggering around in the dark
when it came to fertility and you were an angel that arrived just when we need you!
The help you provided from conception to birth will never be forgotten.

Katy UK

''I really trust Angela's expertise''

While I eventually needed to work one to one with Angela due to some harder to treat gut issues, the online programme
was a great starting place and really covered all the bases. I looked forward to attending the Zoom meetings
each week because like most struggling with infertility, I was eager to know ALL the things I could do to help my body heal and this really provided that!

I really trust Angela's expertise and know that she has been helping people to have families for years!

I am now pregnant and wish more women knew about the programme rather than jumping straight to fertility treatments
because her way is so much gentler on the body... and the wallet!

Mandy USA

"Talking with Angela, is like talking to a friend you've know for years''

Angela is one of the top specialists in her game...her knowledge is outstanding but the nicest thing is when you talk to her it's like you're talking to a friend that you've known for years.

Her guidance went on after we had our little boy too and I will always be forever grateful for Angela's help and support. 

meet angela…

Founder of ah! nutrition talks about the foundations of fertility nutrition.


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