semen parameters

semen parameters

Semen parameters

Although some cases of male fertility are due to physical reasons such as varicoceles or block ducts etc it is estimated that 40-90% are due to poor semen quality.

How do we know this. – we test always!

There are many parts to a Semen or Sperm test. 

The WHO hasn’t changed it’s criteria on since 2010, but I have seen varying parameters even in NHS test. I rarely see a good one these days so anecdotally can corroborate that levels are going down. 

A semen analysis tests for the following:

  • number of sperm (volume)
  • shape of sperm
  • movement of sperm, or  sperm motility 


A normal amount is between 1.5 – 5 mL, or between ¼ – 1 teaspoon. 


Looking for a good liquid balance not too clumpy which can hinder sperm on the journey. Usual response – normal or abnormal. 


Needs to happen by 20 mins- if taking longer there maybe and issue that needs looking into. 

Total sperm

WHO numbers – 39 million plus for a good example. 

Concentration .

WHO state that the concentration per sample needs to be jam packed to the tune of 15-20 million. If lower in IVF they recommend ICSI instead. 


How many sperm are motile. This needs to be 50+% I always laugh when clients talk about this as they call this ‘mobility’ I imagine sperm on scooters! ????

Total motile count

This should be 20-40 million moving. If it’s less and there are morphology ( shape and mutations) they may suggest ICSI if going for IVF. 


Shape of sperm. Should be over 4% good morphology ideally 9+.  If lots of tail, double heads and neck issues this can mean something needs to be addressed lifestyle wise.


The vagina, is very acidic to ward off infection so sperm pH needs to range between 7.2 and 8 according to WHO. Ideally less than 8, but this is still acceptable.

Testing is always a must in my clinic and it’s not just about the ladies! If there have been miscarriages one of the first things I ask the couple to do is to test the sperm.

morphology which was found to be higher in the winter and spring compared to the summer. 

For the latest WHO document detailing this to a greater degree  click here 

Foods that Improve Sperm Motility

Foods that Improve Sperm Motility

GO Go – food that improve sperm motility

Sperm are set into parameters and its always good when starting this journey to see where there are problems as to win the sperm race you need good concentration to enable there to be a good number getting to the end, they need to swim fast and in the right direction and the shape isn’t mutated ( forms of morphology)
Motility is one of the most important as if the sperm aren’t going in the right direction and swimming well they won’t get to where they need to!
Diet and lifestyle is duly recorded as one of the major factors that can help to improve this.
What foods improve this if you do find your motility is down?

Eat more vegetables and fruits

Dr. Jaime Mendiola, of Instituto Bernabeu in Alicante, Spain believes men who eat lots of processed meat and full-fat dairy have poorer quality sperm than those who eat more fruit, vegetables. The study with 61 Spanish men visiting his fertility clinic was recorded in Fertility and Sterility, March 2009.

Food with high levels of antioxidants

There’s also some evidence that oxidative stress and excessively high levels of this can have an impact. A study where previous sperm parameters were low showed that taking 1,000-mg vitamin C supplements twice a day for up to 2 months increased sperm motility by 92%. Vitamin C can be found in fruit and vegetables like Cantaloupe. Citrus fruits and juices, such as orange and grapefruit, Kiwi fruit, Mango, Papaya Pineapple, Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and cranberries and Watermelon. (however fruit taken excessively can increase insulin so if doing this limit your fruit to a portion a day)

One study in men took an Indian herb – ashwagandha root daily for 3 months and this improved sperm motility by 57%, compared with levels at the start of the study.

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and support fertility. In particular 1 show promise for motility, Carnitine and the Acetyl version of carnitine. Considerably increasing the rate of pregnancy in the 2 groups assessed.

Zhonghua Nan Ke Xue. 2010. L-carnitine: safe and effective for asthenozoospermia. Department of Urology, The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.

podcast: environmental toxicity & fertility

podcast: environmental toxicity & fertility

In The Alex Manos Podcast Angela Heap talks about the connection between environmental toxicity and fertility.

We discuss:

  • Pesticides and herbicides in our food supply
  • Toxins in the kitchen
  • Toxins in cosmetics
  • How to reduce our exposure
  • How to support optimal detoxification of these toxins
  • Behavioural change and the importance of making manageable/sustainable changes
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