castor oil packs

Written by: Angela Heap

February 12, 2021

To support Detox reduce pain and support liver and bowel movements

Castor oil packs are another way to stimulate the lymphatic system, helping to cleanse the reproductive organs and detox the liver, support the Circulatory System: castor oil packs promote circulation bringing fresh oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood to the reproductive organs.

How to use them

Open the packing fabric and fold it into three

  1. Soak the fabric with the castor oil and apply the pack to the liver area first for around 30 minutes, securing in place with a plastic cover you can possibly wash to stop the oil getting onto you from the towel.
  2. Place a hot water bottle on the castor oil pack and rest in a quiet place for 20mins.
  3. You can then move the pack to your chosen area, packing for another 30 – 60 minutes, if you are enjoying its benefits
  4. The pack can be placed back into the plastic bag provided and stored in the fridge. The castor oil pack can be re-used up to 30 times. Apply extra castor oil to the pack as needed on each application.
  5. Storage: Once used, seal in a plastic bag and store in fridge.

UK residents:  Equipment needed and oil for the pack

If in the USA you can buy a better version here  and there is a great video on how to use it!

When and How often do I use this?

If you are in the preparation for conception phase (this is the time when you are preparing to conceive but not actively trying to conceive), you can perform this three (3) times per week for a minimum of 30 minutes (up to 1 1/2 hours) each time during your menstrual cycle if this is painful for you. Some chose not to use this then.

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