sperm health – what’s in and what’s out!

sperm health – what’s in and what’s out!

Ice cream, tofu, low-fat milk, to use or not to use fish oils, vitamin C? There is a wealth of information out there on this topic, and I have put together most of the more prevalent (and well researched) arguments around food, vitamins and minerals, as well as environmental issues that can have an impact on sperm health.



Almonst every aspect of our health is related to the types of fatty acids that make up our cells and tissues. It appears that most of us are not intaking the right kinds of fatty acids, or nearly enough. There is a debate amongst the medical community as to the benefits of fish oils obtained as a supplement, rather than from a whole food source. Studies show conflicting results. Personally, I have found that the benefits of these supplements could well be enhanced when dietary changes are made, predominantly through reducing sugar intake (or other simple carbohydrates) and minimizing the intake of unhealthy foods.

Fish oils are harvested from cold-water fish. Some great examples of these are salmon, trout, sardines, and anchovies. Fish oils contain high concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids, which make up eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These two major hitters play a role together (alongside other key nutrients) in overall fertility for both women and men. However, today is about the men! Often neglected in fertility, but with recent reportings of ever-decreasing sperm levels across Western cultures, its time to start looking at this more closely.


Docosahexanoic acid, which is a component of omega-3 fatty acids, plays a key role in movement of sperm, or its motility – often measured on sperm tests. The journey sperm face (which was recorded in the recent Channel 4 production ‘The Great Sperm Race’ was likened to climbing Everest with a super heavy load!) Sperm hasn’t been studied at great depths until more recently, over the last few decades, but during these studies it has been calculated that of the many million sperm produced from a single ejaculation, only a hundred or so make it along the arduous journey. Like a budding mountain climber, preparation is key!

DHA plays a huge role in the development of healthy sperm. Studies have found that males deficient in this fatty acid produce poor sperm that are less likely to fertilise the egg. Others also noted the role of omega-3 fatty acids in thinning the blood, which then allows blood to flow to the genitals, leading to better production of sperm, and better performance during sex.


There are several Omega-3 fatty acids. They are named alpha linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA_ and docosahexanoic acid (DHA). ALA is found in plant sources such as flaxseed oil, whereas EPA and DHA are found in fish and algae oils. ALA is converted by the body into EPA and then DHA, but the process of doing so takes several enzymatic steps within the body, and not every body can do so efficiently (particularly so, as we age). 

The bottom line is, as a practitioner, I advice the use of fish oils over flaxseed, although small amounts of flaxseed oil can also be useful. For those of you who do not want to buy animal products, DHA from algae oil as a separate product is an adequate alternative.



Whether marine algae supplements provide the same benefits as fish oil is still unclear: marine algae and fish oil vary greatly in the ratio of both EPA and DHA. Most marine algae supplements provide more DHA than EPA. 

Although DHA is the predominant fatty acid recommended for fertility, some EPA is needed as well, and algae oil very often does not contain any EPA whatsoever. To accomodate for this, supplements will add another plant oil fatty acids (not from algae) – SDA – which can be converted into smaller quantities of EPA. For this reason, algae oil may not be an exact substitute for high quality fish oil, the ratio being not quite as optimal.



In a study of 80 healthy men, aged 22 to 80, those older than 40 who consume the most vitamin C, vitmain E, zinc and folate, had less sperm DNA damage than those who consumed the lowest amounts



Diet in general also plays a major role in sperm count. It is possible that high sugar intake, or high blood sugar, may damage sperm. A diet heavy in soy products, due to their ‘phytoestrogenic’ properties, could also reduce sperm count.



In a recent study research found that women in the US who eat a lot of beef while pregnant gave birth to sons who grew up to have a low sperm count. This may be down to hormonal disruption, or contaminants in the cattle feed, as well as the GMO in soya that is fed to cattle in larger farms. Chemicals can build up in the fat of the animals consuming contaminated feeds or grasses, not to mention regular hormonal injections many animals are given to boost their growth. In sons of ‘high beef consumers’ (more than 7 meals per week) sperm concentration was far lower. http://www.reuters.com/article/2007/03/28/us-sperm-beef-idUSN273873720070328



Dr. Tina Kold Jensen of Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark, included 2,500 young men in a study on the effects of cola on sperm health. Those in the study who did not drink cola had better sperm qualtiy, averaging 50 million sperm per millilter, and tended to have a healthier lifestyle overall. In contrast, the 93 men who drank more than 1l of cola per day had only 35 million sperm per millilitre. These participants ate more fast foods, and less fruits and vegetables. When looking at caffeine from other sources (such as coffee and tea) the decrease in sperm quality was much less pronounced. It is still not clear if the cola or the unhealthy overall lifestyle is to blame. American Journal of Epidermology, online March 25th, 2010.



Obese men tend to have less motile sperm that thinner males, in a study of ‘Fertility and Sterility’ online January 7th, 2010.



Men who get moderate amounts of exercise have better motility than men who are less active. Sitting for prolonged periods (such as watching TV), reduces sperm count.



Eating excessive amounts of soy based foods could also lower a man’s sperm count. Soy based foods contain pytoestrogens, a plant-derived equivelant of oestrogens found within the human body. Dr.  Jorge Chavarro of Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, found that men who consumed the highest amounds of soy-based foods had a lower sperm count comparative to those who did not consume soy at all. Men in the highest intake category of soy products had 40 million sperm per milliliter less than those who did not consume soy.

Overweight men tended to have lower sperm counts, which could also be linked to oestrogens produced by fat cells. Journal of Human Reproduction, 2008. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2721724/



Dr. Jaime Mendiola of Instituto Bernabeu in Alicante, Spain, claims that men who eat lots of processed meats and full fat dairy have poorer sperm quality than those who eat a higher percentage of fruits and vegetables, alongside low-fat dairy products instead. He hosted a study on 61 men visiting a fertility clinic; half of these men had poor semen quality and generally had a higher intake of processed meat and high-fat dairy products than the 31 men with normal sperm counts. The men with higher-quality sperm tended to consume more fruits, vegetables and skimmed milk, or no milk at all. The antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables likely help protect the sperm from oxidative damage. Meat and high-fat foods may expose men to higher level of substances known as xenobiotics, which include steroids and various other chemicals that have oestrogenic effects (such as certain pesticides and PCBs). Xenobiotics accumulate in high-fat foods, which in term accumulate in men with high-fat diets. Fertility and Sterility, March 2009. http://channels.isp.netscape.com/whatsnew/package.jsp?name=fte/damagesperm/damagesperm&floc=wn-nx

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