podcast: environmental toxicity & fertility

podcast: environmental toxicity & fertility

In The Alex Manos Podcast Angela Heap talks about the connection between environmental toxicity and fertility.

We discuss:

  • Pesticides and herbicides in our food supply
  • Toxins in the kitchen
  • Toxins in cosmetics
  • How to reduce our exposure
  • How to support optimal detoxification of these toxins
  • Behavioural change and the importance of making manageable/sustainable changes
podcast: how to support men in their fertility journey

podcast: how to support men in their fertility journey

In this conversation, Angela speaks with Laura Stirling, we bust the myth that fertility is just a female thing and cover a range of topics around men’s fertility, including…

Why sperm levels have gone down to 60% since 1973.

What Angela finds is most often associated with poor sperm health.

How lifestyle factors – including heat, micro-shorts, chemicals and technology – are impacting men’s fertility.

Why Angela believes it is just as important for men to get regular testing if they are planning on starting a family.

The impact of prolactin in men.

The top 5 nutrients that Angela uses to support men’s health in her clinical practice.

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